The Week Ahead: Christmas Parties

As we go into this Christmas Season we pray that His joy and peace will envelope you. No matter the tests and struggles you may be experiencing we pray you rest your heart in His promises of yes and amen in Christ.

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:1-2 nkjv

The Lord invites you to His Table Of Grace and Mercy.

Your support and prayers are so key for our MS and HS Clubs morning meetings. Continue to pray that the many students who will be coming to the club CHRISTMAS PARTIES this week will give their hearts to Christ ‘for real’. You are raising up future world leaders as well as playing a vital role in helping us see students saved and mentored for the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a weekly basis. Last week between 5 to 8 students were ‘born again’.

STORY: One MS student whose brother was shot six times and survived two week ago has completely rededicated his life to Christ and went to church this past Sunday for the first time in 2 years. He stopped going to church because his Aunt had died and he felt a real hole in his heart because of this. But the message this past week at his club filled that hole and he went to church with the staff guy. God is good through your powerful prayers and support!

Crossroads is a growing ministry outreach focused on impacting the youth of our generation. We are moved and our hearts are impacted greatly by your consistent prayers and support in many ways, as we continue to bring the gospel of salvation and hope to each student.

Thank you for lifting all in prayer.

Thank you for all & love much,

Joseph and the Amazing Crossroad Team

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