Declaring Great Rest and Refreshment over you in JESUS NAME! A lot of distractions in the world right now, but we are declaring you will be able to run into the Father’s arms and just let go and enjoy God’s Word and Presence in a powerful way!
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Mathew 11:28-30 NIV). We are praying for you and your family NOW IN JESUS NAME!
Middle School Testimony: A young MS recently student shared with Crossroad part-time staff how his message from 2 Corinthians 7:1 caused her to change her lifestyle by letting go of some friends who were leading her in a negative direction. At the same time, the staff member showed her how to keep her love on with these friends while keeping strong boundaries. Because of the seriousness of these students’ surroundings, this decision could have ultimately saved her life. We sense her decision was made because she has received Christ as her Lord and Savior recently. Yeah God!
Middle School Student’s Serious Situation: This past week at a Middle School club, a young lady shared how she lost her dad and grandmother at the age of six. She lost the comfort and encouragement of two very important people. You could tell this was very painful for her. Now she is having to face a very difficult situation with a man who has been stalking her online and we believe, he is attempting to snatch her as a sex-traffic victim. She told her mom and because of this, he is now threatening to kill the entire family. The police are involved and let’s say a powerful prayer for her and her family.
We share the above to illustrate how serious the realities of life are for the students we are reaching out to.
1. Amazing Administrator who was having her job messed up has been completely vindicated.
2. Over 35 students have prayed a sincere prayer to receive Christ as their Lord & Savior the last 3 weeks!
Your prayers and support are so powerful.
1. We are so thankful for the upcoming student outreach opportunity,(November 6-11th, 2018). We are believing that 1,000 students will be ‘born again’.
2. Your Crossroads Team is seeking people to work part time and more volunteers (5 to 10 per club). We are believing for amazing soul winners and disciple makers, in your student ‘awakening’ outreach in Montgomery and Atlanta. So thankful for the part-time staff and volunteers we have currently.
3. Crossroads has been presented with an incredible opportunity, and we want you to be a part of it! A donor has given $20,000 matching gift, and if we don’t raise that same amount by December 1, 2018, we will have to return the portion of the monetary gift not raised. Your generosity will greatly support Crossroads Ministries International (CMI), enabling us to fund large outreaches, raise more volunteers, unite more pastors and start new outreach clubs. This should result in over 1,000 students being born again! What is the value of a soul? Your gift during this special challenge can have twice the impact it normally does and will support your mission of bringing the Gospel to youth across the nation.
If you would like to take part, please visit our updated website and click on the “donate” tab. You may also donate by putting this in your google address:, or Text to give phone # is 334-319-9922, mail a check addressed to Crossroads Ministries International to the P.O. Box listed below. In addition, you may also give stock. Send to: Crossroads Ministries International, Account #4639-0285, at Charles Schwab. Any questions can be directed to 678.519.1428 or
Your sacrificial support, powerful prayers and great encouragement have impacted so many lives and we are forever grateful.
With love and thanksgiving,
Joseph & the Amazing Crossroads Team
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